Saturday, May 23, 2009

Topic 1: Thoughts and perspective

appears to me that as educators we are always seeking validation and reassurance when we try new learning models as there is no 'one size fits all' when it comes to learning. Hence, I feel that both models are necessary and can be used at different stages depending on the task, level of ability and range of prior knowledge amongst the students we teach. I do accept that as TL's we are at the epicentre of new technologies and we are expected to know a wide range of skills. However, subject matter or content is reliant on resource- based teaching which has a stronger hold amongst other teachers and consequently our roles as facilitators may be more challenging depending upon the school setting, demographic of the teaching staff, resources available. student needs/abilities. Our ability to be critical helps us clarify these two methods as most of us have used RBT in the past and will now attempt to implement more RBL in our new role. Our teaching colleagues often view our input as a welcome adjunct to their classroom practice and as such our role is to facilitate and enrich what is being explored in the classroom- unlike most classroom teachers we have the option to try out new methodologies and approaches as long as we all have the same goal in mind.

2. It is clear that the Internet has been an absolute boon for self paced learning and research, however, it can also be an absolute time waster if searches are not carried out methodically and with relevance to what is being asked. It is fundamental that basic research skills and information literacy is taught and revisited as new information or old/obsolete/irrelevant information comes to hand. Pathfinders and Hotlists are an excellent medium that we as TL's can collaboratively develop with our colleagues whilst making use of Info lit skills. Our challenge is to get as many on board!!

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About Me

I am married with two children. We all have distinct and diverse interests which makes for a very busy household. My family has been extremely supportive of my return to study and I am grateful for this. The demands of a full time job and a busy family life don't always coexist in perfect harmony which at times causes me to reflect on my course for personal and professional fullfilment.